
What does hallux valgus mean?

Hallux valgus is the inflammation and pain caused by the deviation of the big toe joint towards the side. Over time, the deformity of the foot worsens, making it difficult to wear shoes. Wearing narrow and high-heeled shoes, in particular, can contribute to the development of hallux valgus. It is often a hereditary problem passed down among family members. Factors such as flat feet, high arches, Achilles tendon tightness, obesity, and rheumatic conditions can also contribute to hallux valgus. Despite selecting wide and comfortable shoes, hallux valgus is commonly observed.

Patients’ expectations primarily include being able to walk comfortably, alleviating pain in the painful and inflamed area of the foot, and being able to wear everyday shoes without discomfort. For individuals under the age of forty, the ability to wear stylish shoes is a priority, while for those over forty, the main expectation is to be able to wear comfortable daily shoes.

Women aim to be able to walk comfortably, while men seek to work more comfortably. Patients seeking treatment for hallux valgus are generally healthier, have higher emotional well-being, and are in better mental condition compared to the general population. Esthetic concerns particularly hold significant importance for women.



Your surgery will be performed by Prof. Dr. M. Canbora, who has over 25 years of surgical experience.

Of course, the person who can best evaluate surgical outcomes and regularly observe the good and excellent results of hallux valgus surgery is your own doctor, who has a definite opinion about the surgeon. In addition, a significant number of patients also seek treatment based on recommendations from satisfied patients who have undergone the surgery.

Consultation is mandatory in all cases. This consultation should be done at least 1 or 2 days before the surgery. More commonly, spinal anesthesia is performed. However, depending on the patient’s condition and preference, general anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, or popliteal (behind the knee) anesthesia may be used.

Your doctor will confirm the side to be operated on in your hospital room prior to the surgery.

In addition to your personal toiletries, X-rays and all imaging results are mandatory for surgical procedures.

The duration of hospital admission and stay will depend on the surgical procedure and the patient’s medical condition, typically ranging from 2 to 3 days.


Usually, it is possible to start walking at home with a wide dressing within 2-3 days after the surgery. This is helpful for gaining confidence. After the first dressing change, full weight-bearing is allowed with a shoe that provides support from the inside. It is essential to elevate our foot properly to reduce swelling during rest.

Generally, hallux valgus surgery takes about 45 minutes for a unilateral procedure and approximately 1.5 hours for a bilateral procedure, sometimes longer.

This question should be answered during the preoperative consultation. Specific information will be provided regarding the surgical technique, wound care, brace usage, weight-bearing timeline, use of metallic implants, as well as the location and size of incisions, and follow-up appointments.

Hayır belden uyuşturma anestezisi  altında bile rahatlamak ve bilinç seviyesini düşürmek için ilaç verilecektir.

Evet, sizi mutlaka ameliyathanede görecek, sohbet edecektir 

Ameliyat öncesi 1 gece önce verilecek  ağrı kesiciler, ameliyat sonrası süreci geçmek için çeşitli ilaç ailelerinin bir kombinasyonudur. Bu koşullar altında, diğer ilgisiz kişilerin aktardığı ve abarttığı acıların olmayacaktır.

Doktorunuz  Prof.Dr.M. Canbora  geçici olarak kemik pozisyonunu korumak için ayak parmakları arasına silikon bir kama yerleştirecek ve 48 saat sonra pansumanınızı yenileyecektir. Genellikle ilk pansuman sonrası 3 gün sonra pansuman yapacak bir hemşire çağırmanız gerekir. Bu sırada medial destekli ayakkabıyı giyebileceksiniz.

Daha sonra bandajlar 15 gün boyunca haftada 2 kez pansuman yapılır. Duşta bacağınızı plastik bir torbaya sararak yaranızı sudan korumalısınız.

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Doktorunuz ven trombozu riskini en aza indirmek için 10 gün reçete etmeyi tercih eder.

When everything goes well after the surgery, you will be able to walk with a specially designed medial-supported hallux valgus splint by the end of the second week.


The stitches will be absorbable, so there won’t be a need for stitch removal.

Generally, the first follow-up consultation is scheduled around 3 weeks after the surgery.

The surgeon will examine the incision site, discuss the X-rays taken, and provide information. They will prescribe physical therapy, perform massages to soften the scar tissue, take precautions against swelling, and assist you in transitioning to normal walking. Typically, additional soft-soled shoes that help move the toes are preferred after the surgery.

Efforts to reduce swelling should continue until it subsides, which may take several months. It is recommended to elevate the foot by placing a support under the foot of the bed instead of using pillows and to rest your foot on a stool while sitting.

It is recommended not to engage in activities that require standing or putting pressure on the wound at work for at least 21 days, depending on the situation.

!. ayın sonunda  spor ayakkabılar ile  daha araç sürmeye izin verilir. Bununla birlikte, şişmeyi önlemek için ayaklarınızı uzun süre aşağıda tutmamak tercih edildiğinden uzun araba yolculukları önerilmez.

En azından cilt iyileşmesi için ameliyattan önce ve sonra sigarayı bırakmanız şiddetle tavsiye edilir. Gerçektende, sigarada bulunan nikotin, kan damarlarını daraltır ve böylece yara ve kemik iyileşmesi geciktirir. Herhangi bir dolaşım şüphesi varsa, cerrahınız venöz veya arteriyel bir sorunu belirlemek için alt ekstremite Doppler taraması yaptıracaktır. Ameliyat sonrası yaraya buz uygulamamanız gerekir.

Evet, tamamen normaldir ve birkaç ay sonra kaybolacaktır.

Bu aşamada normal ayakkabı giymek mümkündür. Bazen 3. aya kadar daha büyük bir ayak ölçüsü kullanılmalıdır.

Sivri uçlu ayakkabı 3. aydan önce olmaz.

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Swimming and cycling can be resumed around the 30th day, while other sports are allowed between the 2nd and 3rd month.

It is not mandatory, but they can be beneficial as they can reduce the pressure on the foot. Wearing orthotics is necessary to prevent recurrence. The recommended duration of using orthotics after surgery is approximately 3 months.

Can you translate the following text into English?

Recurrences are possible, especially in young women. As deformity corrections are performed on the bones, the architecture of the forefoot is altered, resulting in fewer recurrences. A detailed evaluation and analysis conducted from the beginning will minimize recurrences.