Meniscus Injuries: Diagnosis, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods
Meniscus injuries are a common problem that occurs when the cartilage tissue inside the knee is damaged, typically during sports activities or as a result of sudden movements. In this article, we will share important information about the diagnosis, diagnosis, and treatment methods of meniscus injuries.

    • Meniscus injuries typically present with the following symptoms:
    • Pain or discomfort in the knee
    • Swelling and stiffness in the knee
    • Sensation of locking or catching in the knee
    • Limited range of motion in the knee
    • Crepitus or popping sounds in the knee

1. Menisküs Yaralanmasının Belirtileri:
-Menisküs yaralanmaları genellikle aşağıdaki belirtilerle kendini gösterir:
– Dizde ağrı veya rahatsızlık
– Dizde şişlik ve sertlik
– Dizde kilitlenme veya takılma hissi
– Dizde sınırlı hareket kabiliyeti
– Dizde hışırtı veya çıtırtı sesleri

Conservative Treatment Methods:

  • For mild meniscus injuries, conservative treatment options may be preferred:
  • Rest and activity restriction
  • Application of ice and use of anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling
  • Physical therapy: Exercises performed under the guidance of a physical therapist to strengthen the knee and improve range of motion.

Surgical Treatment Methods:

  • In cases of severe meniscus injuries or when conservative treatment does not yield satisfactory results, surgical intervention may be necessary:
  • Meniscus repair surgery: Surgical procedure performed to repair the injured meniscus.
  • Meniscectomy: Complete or partial removal of the damaged meniscus.
  • Arthroscopy: A type of surgical procedure performed through small incisions. The surgeon repairs the damage within the knee.

5. Surgical Treatment Methods:

a. Meniscus Repair Surgery:

  • Meniscus repair surgery is a preferred surgical intervention for repairing the injured meniscus.
  • This method can be applied depending on the location, size, and type of the injury.
  • During the surgery, the damaged meniscus surface is cleaned, and the torn portions are sutured together.
  • Meniscus repair surgery is usually preferred in young, active individuals and in cases where the tear is amenable to healing.
  • This method helps preserve the natural structure of the meniscus and increases the stability of the knee.

b. Meniscectomy:

  • Meniscectomy is the procedure of partially or completely removing the damaged meniscus.
  • This method is used based on the location, size, and type of the injury.
  • Partial meniscectomy: Only the damaged portions are removed, preserving the healthy meniscus tissue.
  • Total meniscectomy: Complete removal of the meniscus. In this case, partial instability of the knee may occur, and the risk of developing osteoarthritis (joint degeneration) in the future may increase.
  • Meniscectomy is generally preferred in elderly or degenerative tears, large tears, or cases where repair is not suitable.

c. Arthroscopy:

  • Arthroscopy is a common surgical method used in the treatment of meniscus injuries.
  • In this method, a device called an arthroscope is used, which is inserted through small incisions. The arthroscope is a tube that contains a camera and surgical instruments.
  • The surgeon can observe the damage inside the knee and perform necessary interventions with the guidance of the arthroscope.
  • Arthroscopy offers advantages such as smaller incisions and faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.
  • Different surgical procedures such as meniscus repair or meniscectomy can be performed through arthroscopy.

Important Note: The treatment method for meniscus injuries is determined based on the type, size, location of the injury, the patient’s age, and activity level